Monday, January 7, 2013

Grace for your spirit January 8, 2013

Grace for your spirit
But Jesus said, "Let the little children alone, and so not hinder them from coming to Me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.  Matthew 19:14

The tragic killings of so many children in Connecticut shocks us all.  So many senseless deaths is hard to handle.  In fact many more children are killed everyday in our country by angry parents and sexual deviants.  All these events are caused by evil and sin among us.  I'm glad we can still be shocked and disgusted by such horror.  As we mourn the death of these twenty, nearly 4,000 children are aborted every day in the United States.  It has become so common place that most of us are completely unaware of the slaughter of the unborn, who are children too.  These little ones are not political or religious footballs, they are living souls.  Could we every reach a place where the killing of school children is so common place that it isn't even noticed?  Evil does have a way to overcome us. Turning the world to Jesus is the only solution.  Let's all pray together for relief, and pray for the children.  May the new year be kinder to us al

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