Friday, February 4, 2011

Grace for your spirit February 4, 2011

Grace for your spirit
Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commander and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; Revelation 6:15

This picture of the opening of the sixth seal and terror of the coming of the Lord is scary. The question is asked, "Who is able to stand against this wrath?" In this world oftentimes, people who think they are big stuff, feel they will be able to stand against anything. Here the kings, great men, commanders, rich and strong are begging for mercy. The plead for the mountains and rocks to fall on them and hide them from the presence of Jesus. What is our life plan for the second coming of Jesus? If we have any plan other than surrendering to the Lord now, our future is in trouble. The promise of being in Christ is that we will escape the wrath of God. Let's not wait on the outside until it is too late.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit
Philippians 4:23

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