Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Grace for your spirit April 23, 2008

Grace for your spirit
Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:36

When Jesus saw the people, He felt compassion for them. Why? Because He loved people and saving them was His mission. Is our mission in line with Jesus’ mission? He tried to instill that same mission in all His disciples, but the workers were few. Few then, and few now. Why is that do you suppose? Do we exhibit the Jesus style, or the religion style? Do we build our buildings and keep them nice so we will have a nice clubhouse, or to reach the lost? When distressed lost people become an inconvenience, instead of our focus, we displaying the wrong style. May we heed the call to be compassionate harvesters for the cause of Christ.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit
Philippians 4:23

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