Monday, June 18, 2018

Grace for your spirit 6-18-18

Grace for your spirit
And He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Hush, be still."  And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm. and He said to them, "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?"  Mark 4:39-40

The apostles were in a boat, in a storm, and Jesus was asleep.  They were wondering if they would perish, and why Jesus didn't seem to care?  Have you ever been in that boat?   Sometimes He calms the sea and sometimes He calms the sailor.  I think I woke up in that boat this week. My ship was going down and I can't swim.  I wondered if there would be a rescue and if it was coming.  Jesus showed  up just in time, changed all the circumstances and gave me victory.  He restored my spirit, restored my faith, and I give Him the glory.  I hope you will find a rescue in Him today as well.

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