Sunday, October 14, 2012

Grace for your spirit October 15, 2012

Grace for your spirit
The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord;  He turns it wherever He wishes.  Proverbs 21:1

When we put our hand into a running creek of water, we can play with the flow by the way we put our hand in the water.  God has the power to do that in the lives of people, especially those who have authority over us.  Do we believe God can put His hand into our flow  of life, and make changes?  Nehemiah prayed for four months that can would melt the heart of his king, so he could go rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.  God changed that hard king into a cheerful helper for Nehemiah's mission.  He can do it for us too.  Let's give our obstacles to the Lord.  He can make a way for us.

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