Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Grace for your spirit December 8, 2009

Grace for your spirit
This is the way of an adulterous woman:She eats and wipes her mouth,And says, "I have done no wrong." Proverbs 30:20
This is the way of the sinful world. As easily as we wipe the food from our lips, we wipe away the lusts of adultery. Very few people can go on with overwhelming guilt. We need to find some way to deal with it. God's way is true repentance, the new birth by water and spirit, and walking continually in the light of our Savior. The world's way is to just forget about it. To pretend sin is not really wrong. When we look to the worldly, they will help us believe that there is no true right and wrong anyway. The only true way that will work is God's way. The devil's way is just a wipe of our mouth with our napkin and then say we are good to go. May we surrender our lives to God, not to the lusts of the flesh. This is our way to happiness now and for eternity.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit
Philippians 4:23

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