Thursday, May 23, 2013

Grace for your spirit May 24, 2013

Grace for your spirit
"When you children ask their fathers in time to come, saying what are these stones? Then you shall inform your children saying,  Israel crossed this Jordan on dry ground."  
Joshua 4:21-22

This was Israel's first memorial day in their promised land.  After forty years in the wilderness, they came to the Jordan River.  God parted the river so they could enter, much like He had done at the Red Sea.  Joshua told the tribes to get twelve stones and build a monument to mark the miracle.  It took more than a stack of rocks.  It would take careful observation from one generation to another, so they would not lose the awesome wonder of God's power.  We have national memorials and kingdom memorials we need to honor as part of our heritage and future.  May we all honor and respect our memorials for the strength they bring us.  May we pause, refresh, and have a happy Memorial Day.

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