Thursday, August 28, 2008

Grace for your spirit August 28, 2008

For not knowing about God's righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. Romans 10:3

Paul knew His countrymen had completely missed the point. God had sent Jesus, so they could have the righteousness that comes from God and be saved. They were unwilling to accept that righteousness because they thought they were already right. When we stand on our own righteousness, we will surely die in our sins. We can claim we are righteous on our own, but where is the evidence? Is there a fire where there is no flame, no light, and no heat? When we learn about Jesus and learn about the righteousness from Him, our own will look like nothing. Come to know Him today.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit
Philippians 4:23

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