Thursday, October 4, 2018

Grace for your spirit 10-4-18

Grace for your spirit
And they got up at that very hour and returned to Jerusalem, and found gathered together the eleven and those who were with them, saying, "The Lord has really risen and has appeared to Simon."   Luke 24:33

One day Henry met Mary.  Do you wonder why Henry suddenly had energy and enthusiasm to go see Mary all the time ?  That's because you haven't seen Mary yet.  
The night of Jesus' resurrection, He walked to Emmaus with two men.  Once they recognized Him, He faded from their presence.  Immediately, although very late at night and seven miles from Jerusalem, they returned  with their hearts burning.  They had a message that had to be revealed right then.  When we really see Jesus by faith, our hearts will burn with a message that must be declared.  Let's catch fire for Jesus.

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