Friday, July 27, 2018

Grace for your spirit 7-27-18

Grace for your spirit
The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord.  He turns it wherever He wishes.  Proverbs 21:20

Have we ever put our hands in a stream?  By turning our hand one way and then another, we can change the course of the waters flow.  God can do that with the hearts of men, even kings.  Nehemiah worked for a tyrant king in a foreign land.  He needed the kings help, but he also knew that was an impossible task.  Nehemiah prayed for four months for God to show him a way.  Finally, God changed the heart of that king and granted Nehemiah all he needed.  Do we have an stubborn, immovable person in our lives?  God can change the heart of that person, and cause the help us.  May we pray and plan for better days ahead.

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