Thursday, February 19, 2015

Grace for your spirit February 19, 2015

Grace for your spirit
But he became angry and was not willing to go in, and his father came out and began pleading with him.  Luke 15:28

When the prodigal son returned and the party began, his older found himself on the outside looking in. He was angry and jealous that this brother was being celebrated after the way he had lived. With the younger brother, it wasn't what got him in the pig pin that was important, but what he did next.  The same could be true with the older brother.  Why he was angry, and jealous wasn't important, but what would he do next?  His next step could bring him inside too.  The same is true with us, whether we are like the older brother or the younger.  It's not important how we got where we are, but it is important what we will do next.  Let's unite with our Father.  Come on in and enjoy the party.

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