Thursday, June 21, 2012

Grace for your spirit. June 22, 2012

Grace for your spirit
I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth. I Timothy 3:16

Jesus is depending on His disciples to spread His light and love in the world. God has left us a pattern for Christians living, Christians worship, and the continuation of His kingdom. The church needs to be well versed in God's will, and skilled at carrying out His will in a dark world. The church is meant to be the pillar and support of truth. We must have "pillars" so the "caterpillars" can crawl in. If the "pillars" crumble, what can there be for the :caterpillars"? How is our conduct? If we can't claim our spot to hold up the truth, let's start a new construction project right away.

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